I have to agree with Elizabel when he says that the change wasn't well communicated.
That being said, as CCyrilS just pointed out, this change happened 3+ months ago.
I post a bunch of PSAs before the start of every single TW match, the relevant one for today is:
PSA7 – In order you receive rewards from TW you need to earn at least 50 points. How? All you need to do is set two teams on defense and/or win battles.
You know what? It takes us nearly 24 hours to fill up all the zones and I still get some members that end up with less than 50 points. I'll even send reminder messages when I see someone with less then 50 before the end of TW.
Every member knows what they need to do to get rewards. I've posted that PSA over 12 times now. If they still can't be bothered, that's on them.