Forum Discussion

ncip's avatar
9 years ago

"A Guild is as strong as its weakest member" Subliminal Message?

Did you notice this message in the pitt leaderboard "A guild is as strong as its weakest member" (i've in french so i don't know if its the correct translation.

Is this a subliminal message for a new event? maybe Guilds vs Guilds ?
A malus for whales regroupment? bonus for mixed level guilds?

What do you think ?
  • Noticed it the first day of raids. I was like wow EA you really have no shame. They really really want competition among guildmates.
  • Yet they don't let you assist guild mates to help them get a stronger squad. Having a trade shop in the guild would help those weaker members.
  • Noticed this as well and sounds quite unfriendly :p Encourages you to kick people that contribute too little.
  • "CronozNL;391109" wrote:
    Noticed this as well and sounds quite unfriendly :p Encourages you to kick people that contribute too little.

    ^ This

    EA Guild system is meant for Guild Leaders to kick 70+ people who don't have 10+ 7* for Tier 6 Raids
  • Ha and this is basically not true since we have weak squads and still finish the raids quickly. It makes little sense right
  • "1AmYourFath3r;391106" wrote:
    Having a trade shop in the guild would help those weaker members.

    Depending on what it allows trading, it could also let those who are dishonest create multiple accounts to all contribute towards one primary account.
  • I personally think they didn't mean anything with this phrase. We're probably reading behind the lines excessively.

    Then again I agree fully with OP. I believe it could be an upcoming feature. Most games with guilds have inter-guild competition.

    It's gonna happen I believe. It's gonna be a HUGE potential cash cow for the devs. But not before the milk the current one dry first.

    That's why all these content come out in parts....