10 years ago
Anti sith jedi?
I was thinking about that lately and I came to realisation that most sith characters in the game have some anti jedi abilities or bonuses. DS has bonus evasion against jedi. CD is OP with his bonuses against jedi which include stun, ability block and bonus attacks. Vader's attack cannot be dodged or resisted by jedi. Maul's attacks have double damage against jedi. Then if so many sith characters have some kind of bonus when fighting the jedi why doesn't it work the other way around as well? Why can't there be a jedi with anti sith abilities? None of the jedi have such abilities. There are 2 anti droid jedi, but thats about it unfortunately. I personally think that it would only be fair if there was a character with such abilities. I hoped that Yoda would be such a character, but well...
What are your opinions on this matter? Should some jedi possess such abilities? I think it would balance them out, as jedi seem to be worse than non jedi characters, especially when it comes to arena.
What are your opinions on this matter? Should some jedi possess such abilities? I think it would balance them out, as jedi seem to be worse than non jedi characters, especially when it comes to arena.