7 years ago
Any hints?
Can we please have a hint about what comes next? i miss them in the update notes... thank you
"BazeMalbus;c-1496579" wrote:
I expect a general Grievous rework with droid and separatist reworks for the summer. If I were you I'd be getting all my droids and geonosians to 7 stars and around gear 8 in case of a legendary event coming with short notice. Just don't spend too many carbantis, mk3 holo projectors and syringes for that.
I expect Jango Fett with bounty Hunter, separatist and droid synergy which is going to at least make them decent in TB and some raid phases.
I expect another couple bounty hunters to follow. Possibly bossk since he is in other star wars games like battlefront 2.
I wouldn't rule out a possible Jedi rework also with maybe Anakin rework and a different version of Anakin that requires him to be unlocked.