Forum Discussion

Altszarius's avatar
7 years ago

Are you satisfied with the new Ship 2.0 update?

  • How are players supposed to know if there are polls where their opinion can be expressed if you (CG) don't advertise with an in game pop-up? You do pop-ups to advertise for us to spend money.
  • Pre update, I used all my battles to attempt to get my best ranking and payout. Now I do 1 battle a day to collect my omega mat
  • I was managing to make a post just to say i hate them, i don't play ships anymore.
    I have such no pleasure to play ships that we should count in negative number...
  • I'm loving the concept of what was put out. Battles have slowed down and been made more rng dependant, which is the opposite of what they said, but I can see where strategy comes in. Especially in the pve tables, but the lack of an ally to assist makes the late stages annoying
  • Really don‘t like how they even increased RNG dependance... last 6 matches all went like „My TIE -> no lock, their TIE on Vader -> lock, their Vader -> steals my Vader‘s turn, then my Biggs fails to lock and my Vader gets a double attack, killing him.“ At this point, I usually just quit because there is just no coming back from that unless you REALLY luck out.
    This happened before as well, but with 4 ships left, you still had a fighting chance. Now... well, no.

    I love the reinforcement abilities and the ship reworks in general, but 3v3 is just killing it. If I didn‘t need the crystals, I would have stopped playing ships by now.
  • Sounds like you need to try something different if you keep getting the same result every time. If nothing else, you need to get a faster TIE Advanced.
  • If this update wasn't so buggy and turning player's progress upside down it might have been OK!
  • Can't be just in favour of Whales. I have lower Tier Enemies not playing 2 years and 100k, sec Speed, and up to 4 Zetas lower???? These are Sardines eating a Greenlandwhale,
    If we assure the Bluewhale is an Endgamer.
    I could understand if it is a Bluewhale, but these are fried fish filets just riding on a working wave.
    Smurf lead, Biggs, add the known stuff.
    What the f...? Should this be a slap for not farming efficient and synergies the right way?

    This system is critical as soon as we get synergies back to a working stage, these farm right freaks will fell off the tables. But this is wishing well for us hard boned over 2 years active Players.
  • It's terrible.. sure I don't have maxed out ships yet but my fleet is just over 180k yet the AI now get such an advantage that's it's next to impossible for me to even win a match.

    Just lost to fleet that was 130k could not even manage to kill one of theirs they just wiped me.. I use the same ships that are generally used at the top..

    Please change back to the old ship system at lease I could be competitive then.
  • It isn't that they just nerfed reaper into the ground. They bugged the hell out of it for good measure. What an arduous grind that was. I got it to 7⭐ two days before the nerf/bug.