Forum Discussion

BattletoadsRash's avatar
7 years ago

Arena Payout Calculation Recommendation

Many players are locked into Squad/Fleet Arena Payout times that don't work with their schedules. This leads to lower payouts, frustration, and less time spent in-game because many people can't climb at the correct time everyday.

Allowing players to change their timezone in game could alleviate this, but it would be messy as players would change frequently and it could cause more stress on EA Answers.

My recommendation is to leave everything as-is, but just change the way Payout Rank is calculated. Rather than basing Payout on Rank achieved at a static moment in time, make Payout based on the highest Rank achieved during the previous 24-hours.

This is an easily implementable, simple fix that would make the game much more flexible for players.

More crystals for the Players, more time spent in-game for EA. Win win.

This will not decrease spending because the value of crystals is relative to the crystal income of your peers, so people will still spend to have a competitive edge.

Appreciate the consideration. :smile:
  • Or perhaps a combination of both systems: The rank of a player is saved every full hour. At Payout time you will get the reward for the best saved rank of the day. Like this there is still only one no1 per hour, etc., but players can choose freely every day in witch hour they do their progress.
  • I like the idea of best ranking you can achieve per day. If you want to spend a bunch of crystals to "maximize" that, go for it. Yes, there would be "collusion" at the top for a bunch of people to get 1st, but honestly, it already happens and those are usually the whales who've spent tons of money anyway, and will still spend tons of money. Does it matter in the end? Probably not.

    Maybe an alternative is this only applies to anyone higher than a certain rank, like rank 20 or 50. If you want to get that level (1-20/50) of payout you need to "hold" it. That would allow people in the upper ranks (who will probably never see those super low ranks) to get decent rewards without feeling like they can't make a gain.

    It wouldn't necessarily solve the "collusion" problem, but at least could help people get higher rewards occasionally if they have to squad to do it.
  • I wish CG would be more open with their concerns/reason why they won’t allow timezone changes. This particular QOL feature change would increase enjoyment and really take a burden off players and decrease burnout among players.

    Moving to a neighbouring country for work means payout is right smack in the middle of the afternoon but then it doesn't qualify as 4 time zones... EA, please tell me how often people shifts 4 timezones???

    submitted a ticket but to no avail. Dont understand their pettiness in terms of providing this service.