Forum Discussion

rilsston's avatar
6 years ago

Arena time management and TB QOL

So, I get the argument that TBs on top of one another would be time intensive, and that is a good and bad thing; I also feel pretty safe in assuming part of the reason is credit management from GET. That is also fair. With that being said, the biggest time sink in the game isn’t TBs. unless you are an officer in your guild who monitors TBs (which I do) your entire commitment is about 15 minutes. You log in, do your toon platoons, hit auto on 4 battles, hit deploy. Easy enough.

Arena is a much bigger time sink. Each round takes 10 minutes to refresh the next round; which means at a minimum a player has to wait 10 minutes (almost as long as TB) just to claim dailies are done, and many of us spend an hour a day babying our arena payout to ensure we collect as many crystals as possible. Further, squad arena shard chats are isolationist and tend to favor only a few top players. Breaking these shards up would break the dynamic in the game in a way I also don’t believe would be healthy.

There is a simple solution to the time management arena issue and shard chat issue; highest rank achieved that day, as opposed to current rank at time of payout. This would reduce perception of time in arena (as theoretically one could climb with either less battles than normal, thereby actually reducing time or spread battles throughout the day, thereby perceiving less time.) This would, I think, make Arena more enjoyable for the vast majority of players, and reduce the time sink.

Regarding TBs, I do believe we should have the ability to run both if we so choose, particularly for guilds that don’t have IPD or Rebel officer Leia. I will wait until rewards are released to level primary praise or criticism on this issue. However, there are issues with the current TB that as an officer, I would love to be able to effectively manage. Namely, failure to deploy of members who are busy (which I get and do not fault the members). As a QOL update, it would be amazing to have an officer button that says “deploy remaining undeployed units” so we could at least maximize TB deployment without fear of a player doing an 18 hour surgery on a TB day (happened) or one of our players dying in real life during a TB (also happened). Simming TBs would also be helpful, let’s say provided a guild has X GP and have had flawless TBs Y times. That would effectively manage TB time commitments and potentially allow guilds to run multiple TBs at once into the future.

Just thought I would drop some thoughts on ways to improve these game modes. Look forward to GA championships.
  • "Rilsston;d-205965" wrote:

    There is a simple solution to the time management arena issue and shard chat issue; highest rank achieved that day, as opposed to current rank at time of payout. This would reduce perception of time in arena (as theoretically one could climb with either less battles than normal, thereby actually reducing time or spread battles throughout the day, thereby perceiving less time.) This would, I think, make Arena more enjoyable for the vast majority of players, and reduce the time sink.

    This has been suggested so many times and will never happen, they would be giving out way too many crystals.