7 years ago
Out of the top 50 in my squad arena matches, only 5 teams don't have a Revan/Traya/Sidious/Bastila lead... the overwhelming majority of them are Revan leads with Traya and Sidious being close seconds, but most of the Traya teams are higher than Sidious. I don't believe that a single Traya team has her at 7* yet. Out of the 5 teams that don't have one of those toons as their lead, 2 are JTR leads, 1 is a CLS lead, 1 is a Talzin lead, and 1 is a KRU lead.
Why is it that 5* Trayas are significantly better leads than 7* CLSs, JTRs, etc? Why are there a couple obvious teams to dominate with? Is anyone familiar with the term, "balance"?
balance (n): a state of equilibrium or equipoise
Why is it that 5* Trayas are significantly better leads than 7* CLSs, JTRs, etc? Why are there a couple obvious teams to dominate with? Is anyone familiar with the term, "balance"?
balance (n): a state of equilibrium or equipoise