Forum Discussion

iDealSleeves's avatar
4 years ago

Baskar Mando Requirement

I've just decided that I will NOT be participating in the challenges that feature this. I think if enough people were to do the same it might get removed. I don't know of any other way of telling them I don't appreciate them trying to get me to drop hundreds of dollars.
  • i really think you changed the whales mind with your post. well done :smile:
  • Is CG going to improve the Mando faction or what? It’s obviously the worst in the game with zero synergy. You can’t really even call this a faction and having to go up against overpowered toons on steroids in GC’s is laughable.
  • "Johnnyreb1977;c-2227593" wrote:
    Is CG going to improve the Mando faction or what? It’s obviously the worst in the game with zero synergy. You can’t really even call this a faction and having to go up against overpowered toons on steroids in GC’s is laughable.

    Yet people do T7 faction feats even in current state (with low-star Armorer and very few relics on toons). Factions feats by itself isn't harder that many other faction feats (even easier than some due to how amazing Armorer buff is), so it's hardly the reason to complain. You think it's the worst? Wait until they do Rogue One GC. :) But pushing one faction (doesn't really matter which one) every other GC is another thing.
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "MaruMaru;c-2227602" wrote:
    "Johnnyreb1977;c-2227593" wrote:
    Is CG going to improve the Mando faction or what? It’s obviously the worst in the game with zero synergy. You can’t really even call this a faction and having to go up against overpowered toons on steroids in GC’s is laughable.

    It's obvious this is not happening because of a special attention to mandos, but rather this is what they can bottleneck right now. They will keep shifting it to whatever else they can bottleneck to promote early ownership and gearing of those. The point is to create a general sense of insecurity unless you have various options ready.


    Mando’s are going to be good or needed eventually, and it’s not a bait and switch gearing. They’ll end up being a useful investment someday

    Feel free to be cynical about it but the last have shown they don’t do bait and switch tactics like requiring jawas next month while ignoring the faction entirely (no new toons, touch ups etc)