Forum Discussion

IcarusSunwalker's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 years ago

Bronzium Wiring Conversion

Dear Devs,

The bronzium wiring conversion is an issue in the game economy. There is no denying it.
Your goal a few months ago was to "ease" us getting into relics and higher Relic levels.
That is not possible because of bronzium wirings.
The conversion rate is dreadful to say the least and let me be honest... 4000 crystals for 200 you are "blue milking" us.
20 crystals a piece when the carbonite circuits are just 5 per piece. 10 per piece would be the fair price.
£50 are not enough to buy 400 pieces!!!
From Gear 13 to Relic 7 you need 220!!! of those, that is just insane!

Please, look into that for one of your next updates!
  • Hate to revive this dead thread but this^^^^
    I know I can farm lower level gear to craft full pcs that will help the exchange rate but the game in many ways is already a chore. This is just a tedious process and the crunch is slowing progress to a frustrating level
  • I use MK4-6 blastech weapon mods to get bronziums. The mats needed to craft those are in fairly ready supply from farming and other stuff. Bronziums are still my shortest supply of relic mats, though, usually. But that helps.