Forum Discussion

zmathews56's avatar
2 years ago

Bronzium Wiring Farm

Does anyone have a good node to farm for Bronzium Wiring? I know Light Side 1c is great for Carbonite Circuit Boards, but this is definitely my new bottleneck
  • "Itsa_me_Malario;c-2433029" wrote:
    For bronzium just farm 7B light side, you could never have enough kyrotechs and as a bonus you get trash to convert to bronzium

  • LS 7B is the best by far.

    I also need Bronzium Wiring more than pretty much anything and have taken to farming Ships 1D for more mk5 Datapads, but I wouldn’t exactly advise following in my footsteps.
  • Just posted on another thread that it would be good for the various shops to show a Jawa/Relic piece Icon to note that the item could be broken down by the Scavanger.
    If it showed the Relic piece(s) it can be broken down for that would be a massive help