INCESSANT RAMBLING - (Basic Ability): C3-PO starts talking and won't stop. Daze target enemy for 3 turns.
basic cooldown 1
PANIC - (Special Ability): C3-PO gains +50% Dodge, and grant all rebel allies Counter Attack for 1 turn.
cooldown 3
WE'RE DONE FOR - (Special Ability): target ally gains Dodge up +50% for 1 turn. If R2-D2 is present, he also gains this buff.
cooldown 3
FACTOR THE ODDS - (Special Ability): C3PO grants every ally critical chance up +50% for 1 turn.
cooldown 4
MY COUNTERPART - (Unique Ability):
If R2-D2 is present, he attacks every time C3-PO uses a special ability.