Forum Discussion

Raz-Noom's avatar
9 years ago

Can we please have a "parry," " skip," or "surrender" option

Hello. My guild has some people who can easily do an extraordinary amount of damage in tier 7 raids. Then everyone else sttruggles to do 500k damage.

These are our guilds rules for tier 7:

1 attack. If you score under 200k in this run, you can attack until you reach 200k. However there is a hard cap of 500k max per round. We are having people trying to minimize their damage and still doing 650k+ damage. This is infuriating the little guys of the guild.

But what can we do? My squad for instance does close to 500k before the door even goes up.

If we had any of : parry per turn, skip a turn, or overall surrender to the rancor (he can eat the entire lineup for all I care.) It would make things so much easier. Its causing huge fights in the guild. There are some who refuse to believe we could be doing so much damage, while trying to minimize the output of damage. Its gotten to the point where people are going to start getting kicked for excessive damage.

Can we PLEASE have some sort of option to skip turns, or to completely give up to the rancor, while keeping dealt damage? I like my current guild. I have zero wants to leave it. And it seems like it could be an easy fix.

Please give us the option to skip turns, parry, or surrender while keeping dealt damage. Like I said, want to make it where my entire lineup is eaten if I were to give in? Great!

  • "MBL_66;613222" wrote:
    Go in with a weaker team or only 4 toons, it's not hard to figure out ways to limit your damage

    I did suggest using a different lineup. But the 4 toons is a great idea. Good job. Thanks!

    "Nikoms565;613233" wrote:
    "MBL_66;613222" wrote:
    Go in with a weaker team or only 4 toons, it's not hard to figure out ways to limit your damage

    This...or just escape.

    You really don't think I tried to escape? Tier 7 gives a 40% chance. In my last raid, I had GS fail 3 escapes before going out on his 4th attempt. He is already ready to escape as soon as the door goes up. Last raid, Anakin, GS, 5s, Rey, and QGJ all failed their 1st escape. Also I was not doing any special attacks.

    "badocter;613238" wrote:
    If you are having that much problem going less than 200k damage with your team, then use a smaller team. The game will warn you before you go into battle that you have open spots but it will still let you do a hit with less than 5. Our guild did hits with teams of two a couple months ago when an update made it possible for almost anyone to solo T7, then we went back to teams of 5 when it got fixed. Your guild could try limiting number of toons per hit to 4

    Yeah that's @MBL_66 stated above. That's gonna have to be what I did.

    And it wasn't 200k I'm having trouble doing less than. Its 500k. My Rey generally goes over 500k per raid
  • "Justthetipjedi;613253" wrote:
    "We are having people trying to minimize their damage and still doing 650k+ damage. This is infuriating the little guys of the guild."

    I don't mean to be a jerk, but how is this a problem? Your top guys can't do basic Math? Figure out the percentages for each phase and attack accordingly. It's really not difficult. It actually adds complication to a raid that's become "easy" for that particular player. They can fiddle with their team to try new combos. Our guild has been doing this for awhile. Top ten from previous raid cannot attack until P 3/4 of next phase. So if you want a shot a piggies or P2, you self-manage your score to insure you don't hit top 10. That cut off is usually 400K in our guild....even less damage. It works well and only requires a bit of concentration. HĂȘll, our damage number isn't even constant, so you have to pay attention even a little more. I'd kill to know 500K was my flat score.

    Finally, how is it "infuriarating the little guys"? That your big hitters are too lazy to watch percentages while raiding? It can't be because of the accidental extra damage. An extra 150K from "some people" should not be angering a guild when there's nearly 12 million damage on the Rancor. Again, I think they might be too nice to mention the incompetence of seemingly good players (high dmg output) to somehow accumulate 150K more than they should regularly.

    This is not only a FWP but one of laziness too. Take 5 minutes before raid, figure out %, watch % as you attack. Start retreating, using basic, and/or non-dmg hits when you get to down to 3% (depends on toons)...problem solved.

    Its not about being too lazy to figure out the damage. Its about being able to stop when you get there. I have 1 real team for raids. Substituting anyone for anyone will be a major drop in power, synchronization, damage, everything.

    My post is about requesting a way to stop the damage once we get to our designated stopping point.

    I am all about escaping. But the problem is when I have already done set damage before the door even goes up. Not to mention in tier 7 we have a 40% chance to escape. So a terrible chance to remove your toon, and absolutely no way to stop doing damage.

    THIS is the VERY cause for my post

    And yeah you would think that people wouldn't get bent out of shape over 150k over. I did that ONCE. ONE TIME. The next raid I went less than 50k over, and it was like it was the end of the world. I'm sorry, but I retreated 3 times trying to do leas damage. I ain't got all day to sit and play this trying out different team setups and such. This is a game. Not a full time job. I don't understand what the problem is with having an option to pass or parry turns while having an option to surrender (not retreat) and keep your damage output. Have the rancor eat the entire lineup or whatever. I don't expect a surrender to keep the toons alive. Its not like that's asking for a lot.

  • Use less optimal characters, don't use the door ever, spam retreat on your characters whenever you can, etc.
  • On a quasi-related note: This game desperately needs a damage meter so people can track their damage easily for knowing when to stop attacking. It would be sooooo easy to implement too.
  • Thing is.... You can't just...stop attacking. Thats the whole point of my post.
  • Is the problem the leaderboard ranking or lower rank players not getting a chance to hit before it finishes?

    With the new raid notification, it's easier now for top hitters to pre-load and wait until phases are completed then committing their attacks. Stacked Dmg in each phases do not spill over though the Dmg counts towards each individual's score. However, This still won't help the low hitters getting lower rank as it will bumped badly.

  • Not really, everyone knows days in advance when the raid would start. Line notification was a required deal in that guild. I have sense left that guild. Certain people (2 but 1 a LOT MORE than the other) got REALLY NASTY at me via Line. So I wasn't gonna deal with that. I left the guild and joined the guild of the 1st post on this thread since they need help to complete the raid.

    The fact remains, it would be a great addition. For raids or GW. Think about it, most turn based games have an option to parry a turn (pass a turn.) Don't any of you think that it would be great in GW when say this happens:

    you have QGJ (or any toon, i just used him as an example since most high lvl teams have him) and he has barely any health left, and your healer is up next, the only person to attack is a full health Dooku or 5s (who will attack twice with an omega.) Wouldn't it be nice to be able to parry (skip) his turn to be able to heal your squad before taking on someone who will counter?

    Thats just 1 example where this could be a great addition to the game.
  • "grotesque_ah;615403" wrote:
    Anybody knows, why there is a huge gab between thus guys who easy deal 3kk and thus like me, who struggle around 500k?

    Bud its all about your lineup. Apparently phase 1 is the phase that its easiest to score the highest. I wouldn't know. I don't have the lineup for phase 1. But I'll tell you how I get the most damage possible. In 2 runs, and I would always finish top 10.

    Attack one time in phase 2. Attacking only once allows you to go straight DPS so you can maximize damage when the door is down. When that door is down its auto crit, auto advantage, auto offense up. Everyone knows then next attack the door isn't able to be dropped. But if you wait until phase 3 starts, the door again can be dropped.

    If you only get one attack... Then I'd say its strictly your lineup. We only got 1 attack. I did it phase 2. My raid lineup is Anakin lead, Rey, GS, 5s, and QGJ.

    Nevertheless being able to stop doing damage once you reach a certain threshold would be great...