4 years ago
Capital Ship Upgrades: Mace Windu
If you say that I need 5 stars and higher, lvl 82+, and 6 ships then it should at least be a close battle and not a curb stomping. I have been getting hosed by the Tier V over and over when I am all 7 star ships (except for the Endurance), lvl. 85, and gear level 5-7 even though there is no gear lvl recommendation. Scale the battle to your recommendations or DO NOT MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS. Its frustrating because I must be one of the few people that hates losing over and over. Fix Tier V with either an easier battle or recommenations that suit the battle and give at least a 25% chance of success. I’ve played this level so many times that were it a human player, statistically they would have made a mistake or had several bad rolls in a row, SOMETHING. But your recommendations are garbage, fix them.