Forum Discussion

ImperialStation's avatar
7 years ago

Character Positions

I hated the fact that I could not position my characters in the place I want to put. I know that for many it may seem like a stupid and childish critic, but I like having the freedom to position the characters where I want, I like to put some characters closer to my vision to appreciate the details of the character, sometimes I get sick of always have the same character in the same place and I like to be able to change them, but now it seems like something obligatory, it will always be the same character in the same place, at first it may not seem like a big problem, but over time it will become nauseating and repetitive.
I liked to position my Vader next to the Emperor, but now he's just behind, it's weird, it looks like vader is afraid to fight :D
If some players bothered because they could not see small characters behind the big characters it was just changing their position. Are there such stupid and lazy players that they could not change the position of the characters so that the minors were not hidden by the bigger ones?
I like games where I can have enough freedom, that allows me to give a touch of my personality. I wanted to know what you think about this, because I was very annoyed by this fact.
  • I hope more disgruntled players appear so that EA reevaluates this decision to put the characters in fixed positions.
  • "Cheesecakehunter;c-1557075" wrote:
    I agree, I had a specific order that I liked to have everyone in as well. I think they moved it so that you can easily select a character, but the only times I've ever had difficulty selecting characters is when there have been too many buffs/debuffs or during fleet battles when the screen shifts to the capital ship.

    I know it's probably OCD, but I'd rather have the option to put people where I wanted to rather than this height thing.

    Exactly! I also had problems with this in the fleet arena, but never in the arena of heroes.
  • I believe that the biggest problem the players are having is with Wampa along with the droids, Wampa must cover astrodroids completely. If anyone has any pictures of this I would like to see. I do not have Wampa yet.
  • "Mando8000;c-1560779" wrote:
    There's like three threads on this already and they know how we feel about this so why would they bring this back? It fixes nothing and ruins the game for me honestly.

    It looks like ... Provocative by EA, is not it? I think the same too.
  • Moderators are shutting down conversations on this topic and devs don't seem to care. After a year of game play and over $600 invested I'm done.