Forum Discussion

BuzzsawGoH's avatar
7 years ago

Chewie feedback

- Great kit and more options/balance in arena meta
- Love the toon, even if we have a few Chewies already
- Good feel consistent with other Legendary events. Kudos art team.

- Disparate difficulty relative to other Legendary events. Risk/reward should always be balanced and 7* for this event requires a lot more investment in the requisite toons that other Legendary events.
- There was a steady flow of BH reworks and releases, but there really wasn’t much notice (and you knew that, precipitating the need for the unprecedented drops last weekend).
- Further, other than said drops, several of the toons that would have been useful aren’t farmable at all, much less easily farmable.
- The packs released in support of this event might help make up for farming issues, but even pay to play players can’t be happy about the fact that even with 7* toons, without G11-12, completion isn’t really very realistic. Again, there was little positioning to allow players to prepare for this. But I’m now spending gear I was hoarding for Chewie on BH so I can try to get 7* Chewie.
- Given the unprecedented difficulty, an honest heads up would have been helpful. Alas, surprises are rarely good here. Communication of clear and honest needs would have gone a long way towards me setting better expectations (especially in light of the disparate difficulty levels).

What could have been a very exciting event for me has fallen short as a result, which diminishes the good work done by some (but not all). Nice try, but I’m sad to say I give this 2 Hans out of 5.
  • I invested way too much into this event. An eye opening amount to ‘round out’ the BHs that I had ready.

    7* is ridiculous. If I come up empty handed, I’m walking away again.

    Honestly, after thinking about what I just spent, I should be quitting anyway.
  • I invested $0. And got 7 star chewie. I kinda like that legendaries require some skill to get. Seems to frustratebsome whales that are used to buying everything and not having to have skill because they have the teams that win with out it.
  • I got 7* chewie, but I absolutely hated the event. I thought this was the first legendary I prepped for to be ready to 7* the first go around...hoarded crystals and gear so I had zBossk at g12, Boba at g12, IG and Zam at g11, Greedo at g9 and g8 the end of the week I farmed Zam to g12 Greedo to g11 and Cad to g9, and every restart was just a horrible waste of time. I read all the advice columns on modding, kill order, exactly what rng I needed to play out and it took hours upon hours for those events to unfold...
    This was the legendary event equivalent of the sith raid and we all know how frustrating that abomination has been for the 8 months before the devs adjusted that rng (and admitted that constantly restarting a battle to get favorable rng is a bad gaming experience).
    I think this is a horrible precedent for legendary've already milked us for everything after 9 straight months of marquee only events and single hard node farms and further compounded the angst by dragging your feet on updating raid rewards which weren't even fixed until after the chewbacca event went live.
    I completed the event and feel like I never want to play SWGoH again...

  • I'm on the verge of quitting the game. Because of the anticipation of OG Chewbacca being required to unlock Jedi Luke, I spent a few hundred dollars to bring several of my bounty hunters to g12 and so forth. And even after spending that money, I barely noticed a difference in my characters gear levels when going after 7* Chewbacca. I did not have Bossk, or any of the recent bounty hunter additions at 7 stars. But I had Boba (g12.5), Dengar (g12), Zam (g11), IG-88 (g10), and Greedo (g9). Before the event, all of my bounty hunters were at g8. And what's surprising is that even after increasing my bounty hunters' gear levels so significantly, literally hundreds of dollars worth of gear, the 7* Chewbacca event was still damn near-impossible. I put in hundreds of tries, watched the cutscene over and over again. I had to watch ROLO ability block 3/5 toons and see Dengar not get hit with a crit, leading to R2 getting smoke screen off. I moved millions of credits of mods worth on my bounty hunters. Trying arena speed sets, potency sets, and even a combination of both. After having gone through all of that (and more), it's hard to enjoy this game as much. I take responsibility for my own investments, and if there are no rewards after said investment, best to stop investing.

    Only thing that will stop me from quitting is a public announcement made by CG, acknowledging the overwhelming negative feedback that this event has gotten. Then stating that the event will return again before Jedi Luke's Hero's Journey drops (as R2D2 with CLS & BB8 with JTR) with also a more reasonable gear requirement expectation.

    **Edit: I started playing this game back in November 2015, but took a break from December 2015 - August 2016. I've nearly reached 3m GP (certainly possible to reach if I spent the time to equip all my mods). I am by no means a new player who just wants legendary characters to be given out like candy... I like difficulty, but watching Han crit 35k+ on bounty hunters like Zam, whose rework didn't even include a health or protection increase, is just insane. Considering that it took ep4 characters to unlock CLS (Bespin Luke), we just know that it's going to take ep5 characters for Jedi Luke. The whole Chewie event was basically a nod toward that end, with Chewie being a requirement for that hero's journey. I spent so much time and money investing into my rebels and any potential requirement for Jedi Luke. I 7*'d and g12'd Hoda before even touching Wampa. This event is one of the grossest slaps in the face. No matter what, whales should be able to complete any event (not raids...) with 100% ease, non-RNG dependent. They paid for that right. They are carrying the development of this game for all the free to play players. Completion of legendary events should not be dependent on which characters from a faction you bring in with you. If you have five members of that faction at 7 stars, then you can enter tier 7. If you got them to around g10-11 at lv85 with omegas/zetas, you should be guaranteed completion. This is not unreasonable at all. Considering the gear and skill mats required to reach those leveled, and how many different factions you would need to get to that level, that is enough of a barrier to prevent a majority of people having unlocked legendary characters like candy...

    My final send off here is that I just want to take a moment to laugh at the guy in this thread who's boasting about having "skill" over whales just because they managed to get lucky enough to 7* Chewbacca. Let me just say that being able to 7* Chewbacca at lower gear levels in comparison to whale players is but a testament to the fact that this game has evolved into a state of entropy, becoming heavily RNG dependent and requiring hundreds of restarts to even see a glimmer of chance.
  • "DarkHelmet1138;c-1659077" wrote:

    A few complaints on the forums doesn't necessarily represent the vast majority of players. More likely a vocal minority.

    I think CG has acknowledged that we’re not talking about a vocal minority. Look, you’ve got your perspective, and you aren’t going to change it. So, probably best to let it go.