Forum Discussion

RevenantMADNESS's avatar
13 hours ago

Fixing GAC, My Idea(s)

A little introduction before I explain my ideas, having made it to Kyber at least once in my SWGOH career. I got to Kyber purely off being a MOSTLY LSB roster (for the longest while), and didn't do too bad. 4-5 in my first venture in the Kyber ocean with 2 GL's, some not-so-great mods, and a lot of spite. LSBs, skill, sweat, spite, and a li'l bit of luck. I'm not at all, by any means, a top of the chain world renowned or near-future world renowned player by any means necessary. But even I know GAC isn't exactly the most fun at times. And I LOVE GAC, don't get me wrong. So this isn't just me complaining for the sake of it. I genuinely just want fair and balanced gameplay. If I lose, I want it to be because the opponent was better, not because I have nothing farmed up to handle x team which my opponent has because their roster is so much deeper than mine. Agree or disagree, I think the majority stands that GAC needs changes. And before anybody says it, I know this topic has probably been talked about before. Just move on if you don't like it, please.

So I'm pretty sick of fighting people who far outweigh me and my roster. Especially now that the Kyber Squish is moving downwards, and forcing Kyber level accounts into Aurodium. It makes GAC an absurdly unfun game mode and creates a very toxic environment that just simply isn't enjoyable. I feel like Rey Mysterio fighting Andre the Giant, except unscripted and Andre is drunk. I hate knowing my only way out in many matches is if my opponent is stupid, doesn't care, or forgets to even show up. I'm regularly facing people with 1-2 more GL fleets than me, and often 3-5 GL's more than me. With a serious gap in GP fairly frequent, especially a gap in zetas and relics. Yet somehow I have the same skill rating as someone with 3mil GP above me. Who crush me through sheer roster size. Make it make sense.

(I'm 7.5mil GP, only after counting SERIOUS roster inflation. I have 3 GL's, and an Executor. If being realistic, my account is probably about 5.5-6.5 mil GP of actually useable stuff. Maybe less, cause a lot of that GP isn't even relic'd, since I have a lot of stuff geared and leveled that I don't even use from when I started.)

So with all that whining out of the way, I propose the following:

- The current GAC system actually has some merit, despite what I've mentioned above. The skill rating system is good, but not on its own. There needs to be a way to create fairer match ups. With this in mind, I suggest adding to this system instead of taking anything away.

- Improvements would include adding a GP cap to each league, scaling individual event rewards with each league to continue to incentivize roster growth and performance, adding a new tier between Kyber and Aurodium. Many have suggested Beskar, which is perfect in-universe. Other ideas also listed below.

- An example of the GP cap could be maybe 2-3mil for Carbonite, 4-5mil for Bronzium, 5-6 for Chromium, and so on. With of course Kyber being anything above xmil GP. Adding a Beskar League would perhaps complicate this, so the GP cap could be adjusted as CG sees fit, but if I had to choose between the two I'd say a Beskar League might be more pertinent, perhaps a GP gap could apply only to lower leagues such as Chromium and below should Beskar become a thing. Another idea is adding a way for whatever system performs the matchmaking side of things to compare rosters and ensure brackets are filled with SIMILAR (not 1:1 or exact copies) rosters as each other player. Or perhaps adding shards to GAC, similar to SA. And for the love of the Great Mothers, please kill the Kyber Squish once and for all.

- Discourage sandbaggers and non-participants with penalties on their daily GAC rewards for not participating and getting below a certain number of banners a certain number of times in a row. Make them fight for their rewards, even the ones they're "guaranteed".

- Essentially, improving GAC is improving the lifeblood of this game. GAC is THE top game mode, with maybe Territory Battle being the only thing that rivals it for those who don't enjoy the PvP. GAC gets better means everything gets better. TB needs no major improvements. Better GAC means better income for CG, because people will be far more likely to praise the game mode and stop whining about it. And if the players are happy with the game, they'll spend more money on it. Wanting their favorite hobby to continue to be profitable so it can survive and thrive longer. What's more is this encourages people to get out of Carbonite at the least, because then people won't have to feel like every battle is a 10 banner "please don't show up" stress fest for 48 hours per round. Yeah no, my 750k GP buddy is not beating that 7mil GP account IN CARBONITE IV. CARBONITE IV. YES. THIS IS REAL. It made a friend of mine QUIT the game entirely. Just cause that's the reality, doesn't mean it should or needs to be. We want MORE players. Not less.

Here's to hoping my vain attempt to reach and reason with CG, and convince them to implement changes in GAC are not actually in vain at all. Although I know it's unlikely any devs will read this, let alone take it seriously.

Sincerely, someone who loves this game, despite immense frustration with it at times.

  • There's already a penalty for non-participation in a GAC round, you get zero rewards.

    I agree with the league GP cap.

    GAC is wholly broken right now.  I just faced all 9M+ GP accounts in Carbonite.  And they attacked, minimum amount to claim the win.  All three rounds I faced people with more than twice my GP, who should probably be near Kyber.  One had every GL except Leia.  This is completely messed up.  This has become "normal" in Carbonite.  I have started skipping GACs, or only playing once so I can get minimum rewards.  But it's basically pointless to participate at this point.  

    They should promote anyone in Carbonite over 3M GP.  If they're really that bad at playing, they'll drop back down.  But I'm sick of these 10M GP accounts that are living in Carbonite and preventing others from progressing.