Chromium exclusive toons will drive players away once they realize what is going on and the cost associated with maxing them. Shelling out loads of money should only give you a speed advantage in reaching the top of the power curve and vanity items. Anything more will piss players off, who would otherwise bring paying customers.
People who argue otherwise or think the Star Wars IP is too big to fail should check the track record of Star Wars games. One example is Star Wars Commander, another mobile game, that crashed and burned due to price gouging and poor development/communication. It should've been a sure fire hit. A Clash of Clans clone with a Star Wars skin? How can it fail..... Then we can look at SWtOR, a game I close beta tested from the second round of invites. The game was an utter disaster as a result of not listening to, initially us testers, and even later, the live player base.
If enough of the non-whale player base, meaning and including those who are total f2p up to those willing to spend x dollars on packs/crystals, feel as if they're not valued by the suits unless they're willing to throw entire pay checks at the game, they'll move on. Once the bulk of the player base is gone the whales will eventually get bored of only playing each other. The game will feel lifeless, cause it is. Inevitably they'll move on as well. Anyone who has played any sort of competitive game has seen this cycle.