Forum Discussion

Player_3k700krq's avatar
7 years ago

Colonel Yularen & Governor Pryce!

Enforcement (BASIC)

Deal Physical damage to target enemy which can't be Countered and inflict Evasion Down for 3 turns. If the target already had Evasion Down, this attack is a guaranteed Critical Hit. On a Critical Hit, reduce the cooldowns of a random Empire ally by 1.

Security Operations (SPECIAL) - Cooldown: 4

Dispel all debuffs from all allies and all buffs on all enemies. Empire allies recover 2% Protection for each effect dispelled this way. Colonel Yularen gains Stealth and Advantage for 2 turns.

Monitor (SPECIAL) - Cooldown: 4

Dispel all buffs on target enemy, remove all Turn Meter and inflict Monitor until another enemy is Monitored or Yularen is defeated. This attack can't be Evaded or Resisted. Monitor: -25% Evasion, can't gain Foresight or Stealth, when this unit uses a Basic Ability all allies lose 30% Turn Meter, when this unit uses a Special Ability the cooldowns of all allies are increased to max. Can't be Copied or Dispelled.

Head of Imperial Security Bureau (LEADER)

Empire allies have +50% Tenacity and gain Defense equal to their Tenacity Percentage. While Yularen is active, Empire allies ignore Stealth and gain 15% Turn Meter whenever they attack a Stealthed enemy.


Vengeful Strike (BASIC)

Deal Physical damage to target enemy. On a Critical Hit, reduce the target's Max Health by 5% (doubled on Rebel enemies) until the end of the encounter. If that enemy had less than full Health, also inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns.

Zeal (SPECIAL) - Cooldown: 4

All allies gain 5% Max Health (stacking) untill the end of the encounter and recover 30% of their Max Health. Empire allies gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns.

Back in the Fight (SPECIAL) - Cooldown: 6

Revive a random defeated Empire ally at 40% Health and grant them Defense Up and Retribution for 2 turns. If there are no defeated allies, the least healthy Empire ally recovers 100% Health and 20% Protection (this effect ignores Healing Immunity and Shock).

Deadly Ambition (UNIQUE)

Governor Pryce has +15% Max Health, +30% Critical Avoidance and +30% Health Steal. In addition, Pryce has a 35% chance to reset her cooldowns whenever an Empire ally is defeated.

@CG_TopHat @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Carrie
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Yularen would need a unique.

    Swift Justice (Unique):
    Whenever Yularen is critically hit, there is a 50% chance he counter attacks (100% against rebels). Then grant one random Imperial Ally Critical hit immunity. If no imperial allies are active, grant himself speed up for two turns.

  • Colonel Yularen should absolutely be tagged both Empire and Galactic Republic, with his leadership ability applying to both.

    The game needs some amount of Galactic Republic support, and I'd love to see more cross-era characters besides just R2.
  • "YaeVizsla;c-1491926" wrote:
    Colonel Yularen should absolutely be tagged both Empire and Galactic Republic, with his leadership ability applying to both.

    The game needs some amount of Galactic Republic support, and I'd love to see more cross-era characters besides just R2.

    Actually this kit is the Empire variant of him as Colonel and head of the ISB, as i like him more in his imperial days!
  • "dimi4a;c-1492356" wrote:
    "YaeVizsla;c-1491926" wrote:
    Colonel Yularen should absolutely be tagged both Empire and Galactic Republic, with his leadership ability applying to both.

    The game needs some amount of Galactic Republic support, and I'd love to see more cross-era characters besides just R2.

    Actually this kit is the Empire variant of him as Colonel and head of the ISB, as i like him more in his imperial days!

    Oh, I understand, but I'm less fond of the snapshot mindset of tags in general, especially on characters who almost certainly aren't going to get multiple versions, and even more so when we have characters like R2, who gets three major faction tags.

    Even if made for a specific faction, I'd like to see some of these major era-crossing characters be bugged for multiple factions.
  • "YaeVizsla;c-1493648" wrote:
    Oh, I understand, but I'm less fond of the snapshot mindset of tags in general, especially on characters who almost certainly aren't going to get multiple versions, and even more so when we have characters like R2, who gets three major faction tags.

    Even if made for a specific faction, I'd like to see some of these major era-crossing characters be bugged for multiple factions.

    Well his case is different, because Yularen was first an admiral in the Republic Navy (that's one kit) and later he was a colonel in the Imperial Security Bureau (different time, different branch so that's a second kit).