Forum Discussion

Scruminator's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
4 years ago

Commander Ahsoka Tano Modding

For all those people that unlocked CAT after the completion of Conquest, how are you modding her? Pure speed so she can be first to annihilate or more heavy on offense so she can deal higher damage overall?
  • I did Crit Damage, cd triangle, offense cross, and a health set with health circle. Currently R5 with +101 speed.

    Didn't move any of my better 6E+ mods over, just built her a new set.
  • 1 health set, 1 speed set. Primaries of heath and offense as possible (speed arrow).
  • i considered utilizing a CD triangle on my R5 CAT..

    my thinking being that the extra crit dam that comes from the triangle would be pretty handy.. however,

    my biggest concern is that the CD will only showup if she hits them critically. whereas the extra offense from a offense arrow, offense triangle and offense cross is always present and accounted for as long as she makes contact and doesnt miss.

    so is the extra CD from the CD triangle worth it?