5 years ago
Confirm Raid scores automatically
Im not entirely sure where to put this. But one issue I face as a player is that your Rancor score is automatically loaded on when you finish. Now in the past this wasnt too big an issue, mistakes happen and realistically that shouldnt stop a guild completing a run.
But now, this has changed, and if one person forgets to put airplane mode or/leave wifi off, then suddenly the difficulty triples in difficulty.
I was wondering both to CG and the playerbase thoughts on this, would it not be good to add in a confirm feature for your score so that if necessary you can back out and do it again, surely this quality of life would be wonderful for the officers who have to continuously remind players (who are on discord and need internet access to ask for instructions)
Once again, I am a huge fan of this game, and this improvement would im sure make many players much happier, and show CGs support for the playerbase, to which they have shown increasingly more often in the last few months.
But now, this has changed, and if one person forgets to put airplane mode or/leave wifi off, then suddenly the difficulty triples in difficulty.
I was wondering both to CG and the playerbase thoughts on this, would it not be good to add in a confirm feature for your score so that if necessary you can back out and do it again, surely this quality of life would be wonderful for the officers who have to continuously remind players (who are on discord and need internet access to ask for instructions)
Once again, I am a huge fan of this game, and this improvement would im sure make many players much happier, and show CGs support for the playerbase, to which they have shown increasingly more often in the last few months.