3 years ago
Conquest Feedback?
Does CG just not see our feedback or just don't care? (My guess is the latter) Every conquest I see people complaining and asking for ridiculous modifiers to be removed like overprepared and steadf...
"mariogsh;c-2359081" wrote:"DMG_SW;c-2359060" wrote:"cboath7;c-2359057" wrote:
Maybe don't make feats impossible outside of whale scope. What is it? 14 wins with inquistor squad? The last toon just dropped last week IIRC. Not enough time for even a moderate spender to get it to 7*.
This is a perfect illustration of everything that is wrong with the average poster on this forum. Newsflash: people are completing this feat with full 3* squads. Easily. You do not need to whale to complete this feat. Full stop. But rather than reading strategy, or waiting to see, everyone rushes to whine and complain as much and as fast as possible. Take 1/10th of the effort you spend on complaining and instead use it in conquest, and you'll easily get red crate. For free.
Oh, you mean completing the feat via the last node where you get Malgus borrowed and will probably be fixed next conquest so you can't do it anymore? Yeah...