@ Brewer:
My Vader and sith team failed so I brought in my arena Slacker team and was promptly crushed as well, both teams at 100% stamina. I chose the other route forgoing the better floppy disk. Two fails was enough.
While I've just been avoiding GR enemies entirely and GAS squads especially especially especially because I hate the 100% damage reflection modifier, there are ways to beat it.
On normal mode I used a medium-strong Imperial Trooper squad that's fully kitted out (though not fully geared) to beat a GAS squad. When you have Veers' zeta, Veers lead, Piett's zeta, Starck's zeta, and Range trooper (for extra assists), you have a ton of toons that do a little bit of damage, but then also heal on every buff...and every single team member gets a buff (The Emperor's Trap) when **anyone** makes an attack (in turn or out of turn).
So you get tons of small attacks, with tons of healing in between. Of course it doesn't work against Padmé, but against GAS you have a simultaneous massive source of TM gain and massive source of constant, low dose healing that trickles in just as fast as your attacks take it away.
The end result is that you can get it down to GAS only fairly easily, but then you have to have one of your AoE-daze attacks saved because when GAS stands up there's a crucial moment where he's going to AoE daze you & interrupt your TM train & your source of healing, then counter-attack you to death. But if you have a "TM decay" disk equipped you can outspeed him and keep his TM down, and if he's not getting counter-attacks you can slowly claw back from the AoE daze & get the TM train rolling again for the big finish.
When he stands is a dangerous moment, which is why I haven't tried this on Hard Mode yet (my Imps are only g12 for most, g10 for Piett), but it is something to at least try if you are otherwise stuck.