There's an impressive amount of doom and gloom in this thread... Also, people who think they're oracles with the actual ability to read the game developers' thoughts.
It's funny when ppl try to say that gear selling was removed as a strategy to limit the amount of credits available. Gear used to sell for 20-40 credits a piece. Let's say you had 200 extra of a piece (which would take at the very least 1,200 energy to get, assuming 100% drop rate), that would net you a grand total of ~4,000-8,000 credits. Just by comparison, you get 5,000 credits per 12 energy in the late cantina battles today.
The new credit packs consistently net more than the old packs of 595,000 credits (with a small chance to double or triple this amount). I read some here claim that the overall payout was reduced. Having bought plenty of credit packs both in the old and the new system, I feel that the amount of credits received is consistent. I'd love to hear some hard facts backing this claim up instead of just insidious rhetoric.
Finally, the Profit mining event. Previously, you could only play it for an hour per day and it cost 50 energy to play. This means that it just wasn't possible to play it more than at most four times per day, and that's assuming you were still using at least one crystal refill. Nowadays you can play the event whenever and how many times you want. The payout has been reduced accordingly.
* We now receive 3x 45 bonus energy every day, which corresponds to a little more than five free Profit minings per day (or 42,000 free credits if you prefer - more of course, if you get the x2 or x3 bonus).
* The post lv60 levels for questing all give higher credit rewards (lv7 battles are consistently about +30% higher in credit rewards than lv6, look it up).
* Cantina credits at the post lv60 levels increased by 10%, from 4,500 to 5,000.
* The Bounty hunter challenge post lv60 goes from 83,3K to 93,3K - translating into an extra 90,000 credits per week.
Next time, if you want to discuss the evil and greed of the developers, at least make a small attempt to make a fair case. Don't just pile up all the negative and then jump to malicious conclusions. That's why we can't have nice things.