9 years ago
Critical you address hanging tourney chars soon...
So for whatever reason, cheating, mismanagement of ally points, getting a crappy over competitive server... it's possible to have spent thousands in the last few months and remain at a competitive disadvantage in the game. Chirrut is neigh indispensable in both raids, Jyn is indispensable in the Pitt ( yea I know, but you only have an hour to do the raid before it closes so you run wiggs and teebo for three million or you run Jyn and end up with ten mil ). Cassian' value is yet to be determined but Vader s ship is a hard team in ship arena. And all of these characters are showing up in arena in very hard teams.
So what I'm saying is spending thousands of dollars and not being competitive is NOT how you want this going down. Until you figure out what to do with tourneys please bring back (reasonably priced) aurodiums packs to flesh out the characters and ships I've seen the feedback section, there will be other chars to milk the whales on soon enough when you can figure out a better system than tourneys and chromium packs.
So what I'm saying is spending thousands of dollars and not being competitive is NOT how you want this going down. Until you figure out what to do with tourneys please bring back (reasonably priced) aurodiums packs to flesh out the characters and ships I've seen the feedback section, there will be other chars to milk the whales on soon enough when you can figure out a better system than tourneys and chromium packs.