Forum Discussion

rayloc420's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
3 hours ago

Crybaby Corner

Hi! ive been playing for 7-8 years.  It's obviously that you have a special rng just for me.  I'm not sure why I'm singled out from the millions of players. I can expect my ships not to  assist and the enemy to dodge winning shots only to heal or get a million consecutive turns to flip the battle.  leia the immaculate conception is the funniest . she's down to no energy but won't die until she can revive everybody.  Foresight or taunt always appears exactly one turn before victory, so the enemy can survive for a miraculous comeback.

i laughed with yall about it all these years.  but, please, do you think I can get a month of the same rng everyone else has?  I'm willing to sacrifice my Gamerean guard to rngeezus.  

lol just wanted to create a space to be a crybaby 😢