Forum Discussion

UltimateSeaDog's avatar
6 years ago

Darth Malak Event Suggestion

Here’s my suggestion:

Darth Malak’s event should be split into 2 (one LS and one DS). Each event yields 165 shards, and both should run concurrently.

In the LS version, you use JKR and Bastila (with 3 other OR) against waves of enemies, then in the final wave it’s 1v1 Revan vs Malak. For the DS version, use DR and Fallen Bastila (with 3 other Sith Empire) against enemies, then a final wave of Darth Revan vs. Malak. Have the gear requirement be G12+ and zetas (like 3PO and Chewie) since everyone already has/will have JKR, Bastila, Jolee, HK, Fallen bastila and DR G12+ and zeta’d already and all the required toons 7*.

  • Sounds interesting, especially the idea of breaking down the event in two parts.

    The only problem is that there is no reason to make Malak the most exclusive character up to date. Two Journey toons for a legendary/another journey seems like a stretch.
  • Solid idea and faithful to the game - though I can see them just doing it as a legendary with SE characters instead.
  • kiar1404's avatar
    New Spectator
    "UltimateSeaDog;d-199496" wrote:
    Have the gear requirement be G12+ and zetas (like 3PO and Chewie)
    I did not need G12+ for either of these events. There is always a mechanic out of "do auto and do not think about it".
    The DR-event was hard, but you did not need G12+ like you did not need it for Chewie or 3po
    Rest of yout post: nice idea ... sounds like easy-going for the ones who already habe both Revans and almost impossible for those who just got the Revans some weeks before Malak-Event.
    I miss the "paywall for all"

  • "AleSahnDroh_1979;c-1817334" wrote:
    Here’s my suggestion:
    Don’t add him to the game ???

    Hes already coming. Theres no stopping that
  • Why is no one talking about a Star Force raid with him as the reward? That was the first thing I thought of with the end of the event. Didn’t DR or Bastila even saying something like onto the Star Forge to face Malak?

    Correction: People are talking about a raid, I just didn’t view enough threads lol.
  • I am thinking either a Legendary event with Old Republic or Sith Empire tag. Potentially need both for him so that way in the future, while you are farming for Jevan and Devan you can get him.

    Or for sure, a Grand Marquee event or whatever Jango Fetts was called.
  • kiar1404's avatar
    New Spectator
    New raid with him as reward ... yes - good idea. Raid with OR/SE-bonusses.
    If Malak comes and if he is no marquee or raid-reward most of the toons you need for the event are not relead yet.