Forum Discussion

kathiyitis's avatar
3 years ago

Datacrons- objectively terrible

So let’s evaluate the impact of datacrons:

1) regularly alters the meta, so constantly unclear what teams are best to farm/focus on
2) only temporary, so any investment in them will be immediately lost at the end of the cycle
3) random, so can’t even farm for a specific thing in any consistent manner. This also means that people who don’t have a strong specific faction may not even want to level them past a certain point- again due to randomness.

It’s no wonder datacrons are universally disliked. Honest question CG - what were you thinking?! How- in any way- do these improve your product?
  • "Lumiya;c-2369548" wrote:
    So you "get back" 28%... and the next time you get back 28% of the previous 28%, meaning after 2-3 times it's practically nothing. Lol

    Good! Less whale advantage. They have plenty in this game.

    Also keep in mind that the recouped cost is cumulative. You're getting 28% back, but you're also getting 28% of 28% of the previous round back, etc etc. Doing the math, it looks like you're getting back about 38% cumulatively after 4 rounds, approaching 39% by 10 rounds. So your input each "season" is about 61%, not 72%.

    EDIT: I see Rius just mentioned that as well.
  • "MrRandyWatson;c-2369558" wrote:
    The GL's being included is dumb but also necessary because they've made the GL's the end all in PVP content. The push for all GLs would be impacted in a manner CG doesnt want if you could catch an awesome datacron that turns Ezra into conquest or GI event Ezra and your Ezra is now as powerful as a GL.

    I sort of agree, though (1) datacrons are temporary so it wouldn't be earth-shattering and (2) their GL mindset is bad for the game anyway.

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