Forum Discussion

firebrigade9's avatar
7 years ago


Give us another character or two with this mechanic. Since Deathmark seems to be part of some of the more effective Sith Raid strategies, this would be a super-easy way to throw us a little bone in the Sith Raid. A couple of potential options:

- Include it on a Bounty Hunter. Maybe a Cad Bane rework, or a new BH (Aurra Sing would make a lot of sense)? This would lead to a nice P3 BH team and open up Deathtrooper for use in other places.

- Rework Mace to work it into shatterpoint somehow, similar to how it functions in the gear challenges? This opens up more Jedi team possibilities.

- First Order Executioner?
  • Rather than Deathmark. could give Mace a Shatterpoint de-buff that functions in a similar fashion to it.
  • I suggest Greivousor the tx-20 tactical droid to deathmark an enemy. Letting all Droids and separatists focus fire. Mace would also be a possible char. Just rework shatterpoint as a personal Deathmark for Mace on an enemy.
    Could look like this:
    Mark an enemy with shatterpoint. The next time Mace attacks that enemy he does an guaranteed high damage Vaapad Whirlwind attack on that foe.