8 years ago
Deflection that actually Deflects
Not sure if this has been already discussed, but I've come up with a way to some what make Jedi/Sith even more fun to play with in this game. You know the standard deflection in this game, right? What if, for any light saber user character they have a chance to deflect a laser shot or blaster shot back at the character who shot it? Like for instance, say you have someone like the TIE Fighter Pilot shoot at Luminara. Luminara would have a chance to deflect that blaster shot back at the TIE Fighter Pilot and he will take damage. Now, of course it wouldn't be for the full damage that he shot at Luminara, because that would be stupid crazy (imagine if it was for the full damage and it was Biggs shooting, wow lol). Maybe for each deflect the character who got their shot deflected back to them, to took 50% of that shoot's damage or maybe even 35%. I don't know what the details would be in order to make this balanced, but it would make any light saber user that much more viable and fun to play as. It may even shift the Meta, who knows?
What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?