GCs are not ruined, there is just a different set of aims and rewards over a period of time. Fleets and arena have always been subject to meta changes and as a player of 3 years, believe me, those who have played for over 5 or 6 years have seen more frustrating changes,
I do agree, that the game or EA* have got really greedy but as a community we have to accept some blame here, people pay the neverending ahnald or hotutils who then max new toons right away and blatantly state kyros aren't an issue. For 90% of us, yes they are, for newer people mk3 gear is probably difficult too. there's the age old argument, move on to a guild that does more, but would even the more basic guilds accept interaction over GP? Not sure. There is a whole mix of issues from repetitive game play, raids, gear economy and selling. Any pack that has a % chance should be binned, thats gambling and the game has kind of got away with it in some countries but this new paywall reward track is pushing people out of the game.