Forum Discussion

Azraelrulez's avatar
9 years ago


I read one too many posts on how everyone is a drone and the poster is one of the rare original, uber cool unique players. How much they want everyone to be different etc etc.

To all those guys, you can cry me a river. You don't know what the game is about. The game mechanics are setup that way. There always will be a most efficient way to ride to the top and people will always try to take that route, cos, most efficient. Until the game changes fundamentally, this will always be the one and only constant truth in game. So if you have any ideas on what that fundamental change needs to be, please share.

Otherwise, please stop pretending to have found Nirvana and for beep's sake, stop condescending others. If you are not interested in Arena or rankings and just enjoy the game as is, please go on. Stop pretending that is the only right way to play the game. Some i d iots even jump on threads where people want to share personal achievements and start their condescending troll posts, oh cookie cutter team etc.

Get a life. Or don't. I'm ok if you wanna be a loser trying your hardest to prove to others that you're, in fact, the only real winner.

No offense to the guys who're actually playing different and still enjoying the game. The whole rant is against the ones playing different and hating it so much, they want others to join or appreciate them to make it worthwhile.
  • I'll be honest. I have yet to farm gs. I want to do badly as well. I'm close to dooku at 7* working on Jedi too. I don't have Yoda even at 5* yet. But that's what happens when ftp
  • Currently rank 11this morning though. I feel like I can be in top 5 today...... Then true nirvana. Lol @ op response. Was not what I was expecting
  • "FTP_noncomplainer;267498" wrote:
    Currently rank 11this morning though. I feel like I can be in top 5 today...... Then true nirvana. Lol @ op response. Was not what I was expecting

    Best of luck. I like it that F2P can be no 1 in this game. It takes a lot more planning for a F2P to get there.
  • "Azraelrulez;267329" wrote:
    "Alexone;267317" wrote:
    "Carth_Onassi1973;267175" wrote:
    "Alexone;267145" wrote:
    Oh ok, then i misunderstood a little. However, if every person in the top 20 let's say would run the same team, then people will find a way to crush that team. Not just simply rely on RNG. Then the 'meta' will change all by itself. And yea, people shouldn't have a problem with anybody using Dooku and stuff. That part i agree on. Personally, i do hate Dooku and i don't want to see him anymore. That is subjective, just felt i had to say that. :smile:

    Oh, that goes without saying. I agree with that. And I too, hate Dooku. BUT, I am farming him because , well, I want more crystals in area and I'm getting smoked by: Dooku teams. So I need to up my competitive advantage in arena. However I'm also farming Boba and lando because it's fun.

    Ok, now i understand what both you and OP said. I hate Dooku so much that i won't farm for him but, i have no problem with other people farming for him if they choose so. Maybe some people clearly do. Yea that's not cool.

    I'm not farming GS for the same reason. Don't like him but he's so good, I nearly cave in everyday. I just keep telling myself, wait for the next update, wait... lol.

    Hahaha! Me too. I'm stockpiling arena and GW resources to see what happens at the end of April. I figure by then, I'll be prepped to farm someone I need to or farm someone I want to or both.

    ... But man, seeing the bug sitting in my collection at 4* makes me want to commit to building him up. I figure ill wait to see what happens.

  • "Toukai;267543" wrote:
    I see nothing wrong in farming him. You get a good character, despite everyone using him. You have an easier time in PVP, GW, and gain the benefit of tokens because of it which leads to letting you farm characters you DO want.

    Why would you intentionally make a game that already punishes you more punishing? I mean, unless youre a masochist. I love Dark Souls but you wont see me doing naked fist runs in that game :)

    Is this about GS? If so, I don't farm him because I need the higher rewards from higher level Cantina battles. Higher nodes also have a higher drop rate for purple mats.More Cantina currency, credits etc. too. Missed him because he looked really ugly when I 1st started playing+ no name toon and because of Kylo. I consider it too wasteful to farm him now at my level. Yup, he's really good but not a game changer like Poe was. An asset to most squad compositions but not indispensable either.

    If the next update doesn't change him much, I'll get him. By that time I would have gotten anybody I wanted from Cantina shipments (finishing up Daka and 5s, then I'm done there) and should be able to forego the extra Cantina credits. Working on Lando till then.