Forum Discussion

tfzelyzuxmvk's avatar
3 hours ago

I Quit SWGOH (yes one more post but CG deserves it)

Dear CG 

I started a new account in January of 2024 with the intention of obtaining the Profundity seeing that it could defeat both the Negotiator + Marauder as well as the Executor. My intention was to get first rank in fleet arena so that I get reasonable crystal income to progress my roster. I just unlocked the Profundity a month back and it felt good to be able to compete against Executors and Negotiators and get rank 1. I saved up crystals for hard to acquire relic 9 mats along the way and focused only on the Profundity requirements. My progress in other game modes was mediocre at best. GAC matchups were horrible with opponents having several million more GP than me which makes attempting GAC a boring task of the day. 

Now you have released a ship (aka The Punishing One) which has totally made the Profundity useless. I can not climb any more in fleet arena against executors any more to secure my payout. Along the way, I have seen many content creators criticise your past practices as well as your inability to understand your player base. How does releasing a regular ship which can basically nullify hard to obtain capital ships help new players? You have made this like a punishment for the players that pursued Profundity. How does punishing your customers help you increase your player base? 

Not to mention you have a very poor quality control team that does not care about in game experience. New releases are often broken like Leviathan and the Gungans. And what is with those weekly gungan challenges? A very poor method to force people to farm or rather whale on them. Not to mention but your GAC matchmaking is totally botched and everything with it is wrong. It is pointless to match my 2 mil GP roster with only 1 good team against a 7 mil GP roster with 3 Galactic Legends. Of course we have the same skill rating right?

Also you lock conquest units for players above 4 mil GP. Even if you do release Luthen's ship as a Profundity "lifter", it would be pointless for a Profundity owner like me as I will not be able to unlock him for years. 

Thank you for breaking the game. But as it stands, it does not make sense for me to keep playing. 

  • ZanirN7S's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    I bet they released Punishing One specifically to screw with you. It's been over a year since the last big meta shift at the top of fleets, there was absolutely no way to see this coming. What a shock. 

  • You could have spent less time than it took to write that diatribe to find out that the Punishing One will most likely be nerfed sooner rather than later.