Forum Discussion

GridanWWL's avatar
9 years ago

Do you think an "Ignore Taunt" possibility should be added?

With the popularity of tanks recently (I ran into a group that had sthan, RG and Chewie...) I was curious what people think about having the possibility to ignore a taunt? Whether that be a passive unique ability, a special ability, a basic attack, a leadership, a buff, etc etc.

5 Replies

  • I kind of like the idea of a new dynamic, just as long as it was something that would kill the taunt entirely.
    Neat Idea IMO. (Speaking as a player and not a Mod BTW) :)
  • I'm glad you like it! I thought it was be an interesting "chess piece" so to speak. Kind of how there is a no counter/evade with grievous, why not an ignore taunt?
  • On hte one hand, it'd be a cool concept if there was a character who could ignore taunts (sort of like how Greivous ignores dodge and counter). On the other hand, if it's just one such character, it won't be enough--only one attack that goes through the taunt will just get healed through. But, yeah, definitely a cool concept!

    Zam Wessel for taunt-ignorer!
  • QGJ + Mace + Ventress + Echo

    ...and you're pretty much immune to Taunt.

    On the other hand, If they can give Plo a relatively useless ability like "30% chance to end Stealth" maybe someday they'll give someone a useful ability like "30% chance to end a Taunt".

    Give it to a physically imposing fighter - a Savage Opress type, with lots of Health & a big build - and call it something like, "Intimidating Glare". Yeah, they'll taunt: until you give that glare, then they back down.
  • While it's good idea, I have to disagree with it.

    Maybe it's me because of my many years playing MMOs, but I think all tanks should taunt and taunt early so they can do the job they are supposed to do. Protect the team. They should have 1 different ability to help make you choose who to take. Examples are one stun, one buff health, one self heals, one buff off, one immune to counters, one that rez, ect.

    RG and St han are the only good taunters. RG ran more than anyone because he is the only one that really protects the team. I feel all tanks should have a taunt.

    If your going to add toons that bypass taunts, then no one will run a taunter as they dont really do anything else. And then RG and st han join the other taunters of not being used.

    Besides already counters to taunt, even if only one of them is really any good, but they are there.