"Arbitrator;c-1598351" wrote:
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements I’ve ever seen. Oh God forbid that Revan is a white male! The horror! /sarcasm
Get over yourself. There are a multitude of awesome heroes/villains from all races, ethnicities, and species. I’m so sick of SJW’s trying to act like being a white male is a bad thing. Why can’t we all just have awesome heroes/characters that we can relate to?
Revan IS a white male.
The exile, Meetra Surik, IS a white female.
SWTOR is an amazing game whose storyline also deals with the continuation of Revan’s story. As such, part of the storyline should be regarded as “KOTOR 3”. Revan is awesome. Drew Karphysyn, the creator of Revan, even wrote the storyline behind Revan in SWTOR.
The only reason you are allowed a choice of sex/gender when playing KOTOR was to be inclusive to both males and females and allow players to play the game as their “own” story. The actual canon version of Revan is a white male.
SW:tOR, KotOR, and the Revan trilogy are all non-canon.
Every depiction of Revan is equally non-canon. And as this chain of releases is explicitly celebrating the anniversary of KotOR, one could easily assert that the most relevant non-canon Revan of them all is KotOR Revan. Who is an AFGNCAAP.
That said, even if we rewind to before the Disney buyout, when these multiple works
were all canon, they were just that.
All canon.
And that's a word that gets misused a lot. "Canon" is a word appropriated by media from religion. It does not mean a timeline or historical account. It does not mean the work is necessarily factually consistent, though that is often preferable. The book of Genesis has two completely distinct stories of creation back-to-back.
"Canon" refers to a body of work officially deemed worthy of consideration.
In Legends, novel Revan, the poorly shaven white dude going through the events of the novel, was canon. SW:tOR Revan, also a poorly shaven white dude, was canon. KotOR Revan, the user-generated and user decision guided player character with the entire potentia cloud that generated was
also canon. They are all part of the overall body of work officially deemed worthy of consideration. All of these versions were canon, even when they were mutually exclusive.
"I hope any version of Revan introduced to the game respects Revan as the user-generated character they were in KotOR," is not, "Being a white dude is bad!" However, representation matters, and we have a disproportionately massive number of white men dominating Star Wars. What's more, back then, it was much more dramatic. We didn't have Finn and Rey and Amilyn and Rose and Ciena and Grand Admiral Sloane and Dr. Aphra. Which made the fact that you could actually make, say, a black woman, and she actually has some agency in a Star Wars story important.
Given it took us eleven movies to get one black woman on the big screen with a name, I'd say we're not quite even yet. Heck, unless the Sith Assassin is secretly black under there, we currently have zero in Galaxy of Heroes. Not that I blame them for not picking Val as one of the Solo toons.
Given the choice between respecting two of the Revans, or all of them, why
not make Revan gender neutral? Especially when the version that would be disrespected is the one whose anniversary we're supposedly celebrating right now.