Forum Discussion

__Love__'s avatar
5 years ago

Draw in GA

I just drew my GA but lost as the other player had a higher GP. If you have the higher GP you essentially have more firepower and are expected to win (understand this is not always the case as people gear up bad toons giving them a higher GP).

But in this case I was against someone who had a much better roster than me, I had to change up my attacking strategy to get the full clear and it was tough but got a pretty good score overall! My opponent attacked me and got the same score but it feels like it was a better result for me than them given what was available to us both which is frustrating when they get the win for it.

you could argue they have invested more in their team, or have been playing longer or something so deserve to win

maybe I'm just being a sore loser and need to listen to mobile gamer and WHALE HARDER haha, but does anyone actually know why it goes to the higher GP player?