Droid Commando Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: Commando Droids was designed for infiltration and action behind enemy lines. And Grievous' squad need reinforcement).
Key Attributes:
-A very nasty Separatist droid.
-A great addition to General Grievous' squad.
-Ensures the survivability of allied Separatist droids.
Unit Name: Droid Commando
Affiliation: Dark Side
Tags: Attacker, Droid, Separatist
BASIC: Enhanced Targeting System
Deals physical damage to target enemy and inflict Heal Immunity for 2 turns. If all allies are Separatists, the Droid Commando dispels all buffs from the target. If all allies are Droids, inflicts Target Lock to target enemy for 2 turns.
Target Lock: Deals physical damage 2 more times.
SPECIAL 1: Explosion Chain (CD=3)
Deals special damage to all enemies and Daze them for 2 turns. All allied Droids gain a Protection Up (40%) for 3 turns. All allied Separatists dispel all debuffs from themselves. Target ally attacks, dealing 20% more damage, then the Droid Commando comes to assist and gains Stealth for 2 turns.
SPECIAL 2: Vibrosword Flourish (Cooldown 4) (Omicron)
Deals physical damage to target enemy, stun them for 1 turn, and inflict Armor Shred for the rest of the battle. Then deals physical damage to all enemies and inflicts Defense Down and Stagger on them for 2 turns. Calls all droid allies to assist. Separatist allies gain Advantage and Foresight for 2 turns. If this attack kills an enemy, the Droid Commando gains +100% Turn Meter and the cooldown of this ability is reset. Enemies killed by this ability cannot be resurrected.
While in Territory Wars: Stun lasts 2 turns and cannot be dispelled or resisted. Places Attack Down on all enemies for 2 turns. If the enemy target is below 20% of Max Health after this attack, the target is instantly destroyed. This attack cannot be dodged.
UNIQUE: BX-Series Commando Droid (Zeta)
Separatist Droid allies gain +50% Max Health and Accuracy. Whenever the Droid Commando deals damage on its turn, it gains Stealth for 1 turn. Whenever the Droid Commando deals damage while Stealthed, it deals 25% more damage. Whenever the Droid Commando loses Stealth, it gains Foresight for 1 turn. The Droid Commando deals double damage to enemies with a target lock. Each time an allied Separatist Droid deals damage, the Droid Commando has a 70% chance to come to to assist (limit once per turn). The Droid Commando is immune to damage as long as it has stealth and at least one ally is alive.