9 years ago
Emperors Demise Team Help
So, I have five rebels that I managed to get at least 5*'d, and if I can beat the tier I'm on, I will at least unlock Palpatine. I'm a f2p (ended when I bought the $50 shard package earlier so I could refresh to get gear quickly) that started the game when it became available on android, took a break (read forgot all about it), then started back up in September. Given the following team, can anyone give me advice on whether it's doable this go around, or should I give up? If it is doable, what order should I put them in to maximize their efforts?
My team:
61 lvl Biggs, 6*, glvl 6
60 lvl K2SO, 5*, glvl 7
60 lvl Ackbar, 5*, glvl 6
60 lvl ST Han, 5*, glvl 7
63 lvl Lando, 6*, glvl 6
All of them have some mods, but STH has the most. Forgot to write them down. Thank you in advance for any help.
My team:
61 lvl Biggs, 6*, glvl 6
60 lvl K2SO, 5*, glvl 7
60 lvl Ackbar, 5*, glvl 6
60 lvl ST Han, 5*, glvl 7
63 lvl Lando, 6*, glvl 6
All of them have some mods, but STH has the most. Forgot to write them down. Thank you in advance for any help.