Forum Discussion

AriellaSun's avatar
7 years ago

Empowering Legendary Empire Characters

Hi, I wrote this post with an idea which came to mind a couple of days ago.

I see quite a lot of posts and parodies about how weak some specific Empire characters are in comparison to their Rebel counterparts.

I'm thinking primarily of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader here. They have great kits, but the fall down in so many situations.
The purist may look at the movies and say, remember Han Solo vs Darth Vader in Cloud City? Han couldn't scratch him. It would be bad for the game if that were the case, but undoubtedly there's some frustration about the perceived power of 2 of the game's strongest Sith / Force users, and lack of comparable power in certain scenarios.

So I think I've come across a mechanic that could equalize things a bit.

Both Vader and Palpatine have great AOE's. We know what they're all about but in too many situations, using an AOE is like signing your own death warrant. So many characters have innate or shared counter-attack abilities now. If you try to AOE any a combo CLS, R2, Thrawn, Han Solo -
irrespective of shared leadership abilities - you risk getting countered.
For Palpatine this could be instant death and for Vader, not far off.

So my proposal is that these characters share some "counter damage mitigation". This is to say that when an opponent tries to deal counter-attack damage to them, it is reduced somehow via their own abilities. This could be anything from a 25% reduction to full immunity. It could rely on them both being present, creating some nice synergy. It could be tied to a Zeta skill or part of their Unique's. It could be more for one than the other.
The numbers behind it aren't for me to decide but the mechanic I think presents a very useful solution to improve their viability, longevity and value without a massive re-work of kit.

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