Forum Discussion

Korytryn's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
16 days ago

Episode Quests: Galactic Challenge Feats

I and probably thousands of more players missing out "Complete 5 Galactic Challange feats" episode quest (2000 episode points) and Chapter 1 complation (8000 episode points) because we completed Galactic challange before daily quest revealed.

There is still no word from you. Could you please make an announcement how you solve this? (you are going to give us our 10000 episode points as a minimum of course but i want to be sure we will and also want to learn HOW.

  • There is a new Galactic Challenge featuring Jawas in 1 day and 9 hours.   We will see whether there is any real impact from delaying completion of Chapter 1.

    • RiifTenn's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      That's too late for me. The Episode Shipment store refreshes in less than a day, and specifically because of this issue I don't have enough Episode Currency (I'm at 10 on the Episode Track and the reward for reaching 11 is 3,000 Episode Currency) to get all of the Omicrons I should have been able to get from that store.

  • GRANDOLAKEV's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    Solve what, isn't it do 5 in the remainder of the 28 days? So by the 17th December if the datamine is correct

  • Raff_Ernst's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    I also wonder what may be refreshed, what not, and what we will miss on with that incomplete feat. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    🙄 And I am managing without pass but I will get it during the next days. That loss I accepted and I was OK with, and the ones with Huyang at 4 stars as well. But there are a few others I just don't.

    Indeed the timing of these changes have been bad. And the perception doesn't  help either. Lets see after a few more days how our rewards improved. Even if we have to wait more than 3 days now for them.

  • esc0rimjvk6s's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    How hard can it be to plan things accordingly. It starts to look like they do it on purpose... Because I just got his issue today, and you reported it 6 days ago. They clearly just don't care.

  • BWSmith73's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    I had to look up what qualifies as a Galactic Challenge Feat because I tried everything to accomplish the Five. That's what brought me to this forum. So yeah, it's a problem. I completed those long before this new stuff started. It's BS, man.

  • Next episode they are changing the timing so that the quest shows up before the GC is available. Plus other good changes to episodes