"Pcx99;845911" wrote:
Ah man, just force Yoda as an ally :). I still want to see you give us a full team where you can perfectly hit that sweet spot between too easy and too hard :). Ome day!
You mean as in, force a team for you to use? Or just create something perfectly balanced to fight?
Our game has so much RNG and variables it's a nightmare to ride the line I do with the bonus tiers. But man, if they aren't fun to make, so I keep doing it anyway. The K2 event was a hit for the people who could play it. I'm going to go gangbusters with that forced ally stuff starting with the Erasmus/Faust event. If I get my way we will do a "Marquee" event for every new unit we release (well, the important ones anyway).
And since those are meant to show how the new unit can fit into your existing squads that translates into a lot of events you can use your main squads for.