Forum Discussion

JunoRebel's avatar
8 years ago

Events Active 24/7: minor annoyance

I appreciate the warning for active events. But it's losing its purpose when it's constantly warning there is an Active Event, even after completion of that event.
This month again, a daily event for Rogue One and regardless of whether you've completed it, the warning is active every hour, every day, the entire month. I therefore still find myself in need to open Events multiple times a day and check whether there's actually something new there (heists?). By now, the "events active" warning has degraded to a sophisticated rendition of the boy who cried wolf.
Could it be made to turn off when events have been completed? Or maybe the Event holo table could show a red circle/number that shows there's actually something new there (as happens with energy, data cards, ability upgrades...) instead of a continuous warning label?
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