Forum Discussion

Natethorns's avatar
7 years ago

Excessive Damage

I am experiencing some insane damage on the last tier of the Thrawn Event. Thrawn and his Death Troopers are each dealing 20k damage or higher per turn. Is anyone else experiencing this? Also is the critical hit immunity on the Stormtrooper taunting normal?
  • "Natethorns;d-145210" wrote:
    I am experiencing some insane damage on the last tier of the Thrawn Event. Thrawn and his Death Troopers are each dealing 20k damage or higher per turn. Is anyone else experiencing this? Also is the critical hit immunity on the Stormtrooper taunting normal?

    Yeah it is quite a shock to get hit with the last phase when the previous ones seem so easy.

    Got to clear the stormtrooper buff and both death trooper buffs to have a chance of winning. Chopper, ezra and zeb are essential for this purpose.

    I had g9 ezra and g8 everyone else and managed it on the 8th attempt.

    Good luck!
  • If the DeathTroopers are hitting way too hard you aren't making sure to clear their buffs ASAP. If it seems unbeatable, your priorities are probably out of whack:
    1. Put survival over attack. Use protection regen abilities rather than getting a killing blow in
    2. Wipe Death Troopers's buffs ASAP. They will slaughter you otherwise. They can be removed with buff wipes and stagger.
    3. Kill DTs
    4. Kill Stormtrooper Commanders
    5. Kill Stormtrooper
    6. Kill Thrawn

    Always backup plan whoever gets fractured. Hope Chopper goes first so he can taunt and eat Thrawn's first fracture. Always call Hera with ezra and ezra with Hera. Zeb's daze is nice, but not really until Thrawn is the only one standing since you'll be ignoring Thrawn until then. Always keep at least one taunt up so you can control the damage intake and fractures. Putting bonus protection on just Kanaan is easier than trying to heal your whole team.
  • This is bs I 3* it in October with lvl80 4 dot modded toons now trying to do it on brothers game with him he's lvl 83 5 dot mods 180+ speed on everyone all prot on Kanan, potency on zeb and thrawn hits for 30k his fracture hors for 20k dt and taunt guy go down easy but even stunning thrawn seems to not work they def changed it either to reflect zeta adds or something I beat it first try on my account with far less. No one even counters at all on last fight not sure why not
  • Part of the issue is that Ezra is not mandatory to attempt it but is apparently mandatory to beat it. With CLS the team is set so at least you can’t misfarm the team. They need to make it possible with any combo of toons or make it a requirement to have a specific lineup.
  • "Melchiorsand;c-1358260" wrote:
    Yoda event lololol. Yoda doesn’t have death troopers. Thrawn event is completely unreasonable at tier 7. You need 30 MK 5 sun guns to even have a chance not to mention the imbalances due to team members leveled. Sabine teams are at a huge disadvantage since Ezra and Chopper are practically mandatory and the game doesn’t warn you. Thrawn is not worth the cost in teams of his usefulness in HAAT and he is fine at 6* for a decent empire team at g11 with zetas.

    I think Thrawn is the reason that in Haat one team can do 32 milions of dmg in one run. Team with Thrawn can solo from p2 to the end of p4. I think he is worthy.
  • So do you absolutely have to have Chopper? I have more than the requirement to do this one but still not enough. It's unreasonably difficult.
  • Thanks @Woodroward, I was missing debuffing the death troopers, your guide made it so much easier. Without the target lock the DTs deal much less damage. Thanks!!! Got my 6* Thrawn!
  • Ha 32 million is a lot. Good point. I finally did beat it without Ezra when I did Chopper’s assist omega. Also got Hera up to gear 9 instead of 8. Well worth it.