Forum Discussion

tanki60o's avatar
6 years ago


I don't know how the rest of the community feels, but for the first time in many months, I'm excited about this game.

Shaak Ti is nice, and hopefully, we will get some much-needed clone reworks soon.

Geonosian Brood Alpha is a character I didn't think I would care about, but his design, animations, and mechanics seem extremely cool to me. Every time the Geos use an ability, they all assist and all of their health is equalized! That's insane! Aside from the Triumvirate, I can only see Jedi Revan countering this team by marking and quickly taking out GBA. On top of that, a 6th unit that basically is always taunting.

I've also been enjoying how much information we've been getting. Some of it, like G13, is bad news, but after the whole thing with Malak and the 8 to 5 debacle, more communication is definitely a plus.

Does anyone else feel this way? Are you guys excited about the Geonosians? Do you think you'll need to spend hundreds of dollars to seven-star GBA in order to get any use out of them? Let me know.

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