Forum Discussion

kopkin1's avatar
9 years ago

FAO Chucky24

What timezone are you from?
  • Sry chucky had a couple of battles left over so took back #1. Waited till after your payout ofc ;)
  • Congrats on your new line up Chucky. Very tricky
    Plus you win the award for highest power I've seen!
  • I know this is and old post but i’m Tee in game. My payout is 6pm GMT. If you would like to talk further then message me on LINE feegie_panda or discord Tee #4932 ,thanks
  • Hello tee
    Sorry just picked this up...don't really look on these forums anymore.
    Also got your "friendly" pm
    Hopefully we're cool now but you have my line details if you want to talk more. I appreciate I messed up today so apologise again about that