Forum Discussion

Mercas89's avatar
3 hours ago

Feature Request: Gear Tab in Collections

Recently while trying to check the gear required for leveling up a new character I had to visit multiple websites and spent an hour bouncing between Scavenger, Shipments, and misc battles to see what gear I still need to acquire. Hoping to go from unlocking the character to R7.

Currently there is no place to see all your gear at once. Most can be salvaged, but a lot only shows up as battle rewards or in the stores. For things that shows up in stores you have to get lucky on if it is there when you are looking. It is quite tedious.

It would be great if we could have a gear tab in our collections that shows all gear that allows sorting based on Tier Lvl, quantity owned, and even a sort based on what a character needs to get to relic. Having the gear piece hot linked to the "find" mechanic to be able to purchase or battle for that gear would be great as well.

A following feature after the initial launch would be to have a sort based on gear not needed at any lvl for any currently unlocked characters so you know what is safe to salvage, and possibly be able to salvage from the gear collection.