Forum Discussion

SubotaiArcher's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Finn best mods for P1

Hi there

I am looking for the best mod sets for Finn in P1. Mine is G12 with gold mods all focused on offense but I cannot get him above 140k damage when offense stacks are maxed. Any ideas?

4 Replies

  • CamaroAMF's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 years ago
    I think CD is more important than offense for him. I run a CD set and a CC set. Offense primary on the cross, CD primary on the triangle, speed on the arrow. As much in the way of offense secondaries as I could get. Top out around 190k and I don’t have any 6 dot mods on him.
  • I run offense set, CD tri, off cross, speed arrow. Tops out about 210k but everything is 6 dot. Average about 12m damage.
  • "BantaFood;d-210125" wrote:
    Hi there

    Mine is G12 with gold mods all focused on offense but I cannot get him above 140k damage when offense stacks are maxed. Any ideas?

    Do you run with C3PO? You need to maintain 3 stacks of confusion for defense debuff, anything less will give you decreased damage.
  • Looking at the same issues for my Finn. Currently he's G11 with 4x Offence, 2x potency. CD triangle, potency cross (but with +103 offense secondary).

    Should I swap out the 2x potency for 2x health with speed and flat offense secondaries to increase survivability and DMG? I had his potency up around 60% but feel it'll be mostly useless in Heroic when we make the jump. Trying to have him ready for it beforehand.

    Also have an offense triangle with +offense instead of +CD. Same speed secondary. Thoughts?