Forum Discussion

icefisherman247's avatar
8 years ago

First Order TIE turn meter bug?

In the Mace capital challenges, there are a bunch of TIEs and Slave 1, the FO TIEs seem to be able to attack without any wait time, also, it seemed to be all of their special attacks. No cooldown, just the special over and over again. Huh?
  • Probably WAI.

    My thought is that those FO ties are actually 'levelled/geared' higher than we currently can.

    Similar to how some bosses on the nodes have 'gold XII' gear tiers.

    It's been reported as a bug and we've heard nothing from the devs, I may be right
  • WAI except for gaining too much tm when on defense from target locks. That's been addressed though.
    They're simply very fast and there is no cool down for first order ties when an enemy is target locked. So with high speed, gaining tm when enemy target locked ship is hit and constant specials they are a pita.