Forum Discussion

Rydia131's avatar
7 years ago

First time "Am I ready for..." poster

Long time reader, first time poster here!

I have Thrawn and JTR left to finish off for legendary characters. I would like to stop working on my phoenix squad being that I do not plan to use them past Territories and Phoenix specific niches in the game. However, I have omegas and I can take them all to 85 if necessary. Though I would like to save the omegas to zeta CLS and immediately upgrade Thrawn when I 7* him. Any thoughts? I appreciate your time and any help I receive!
  • I got it with all lvl 85, gear 8's expect Ezra who was g 10, decent but not great mods and omegas on most abilities. Choppers assist is important if you use him.
  • If you move your arena mods to phoenix for some more speed you should be fine.
  • Thanks for the reply. I know the common wisdom is speed, speed and more speed. However, I tried to go the protection route on kaanan, chopper and hera. Then I went potency on zeb. I can put more speed on ezra though these were the mods I had on him from a past event and wanted to see if they would be sufficient for this one. I have +30 speed mods available that can be moved around if needed. Though initially I might wait to see if the protection route could be effective as well.
  • Maybe on Kanan. You want him to take any fractures Thrawn gets out if you can't control him with zeb.

    I hear Omegas are also important if you can't get the gear up, especially on Kanan and Chopper.

    Doubt I can make 82 myself but Hera and Ezra are at G10, with Chopper at 9. The other two are at 8 sadly (too many stun guns needed) though Kanan might be possible.

    Oh and yeah, speedy speed is always a solid choice.
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    You definitely don't need speed on Kanan. Protection is the way to go there, so put as much as you can. Zeb, Hera, and Ezra should be as fast as possible (Hera and Zeb especially), and you'll want potency on Zeb as well.

    If you do that, you should be fine with G8-9 for everyone. Try to get the unique/leadership abilities maxed. Basics should be 7 but don't need omegas (though they're 2nd priority if you can do it). Other than that, you don't need the abilities upgraded at all. Everything that wasn't a basic or unique was still at lvl 3 when I got my 7* Thrawn.
  • Thanks for the reply. I have everything at 7 for abilities except all uniques omega'd. I have a few scattered omegas past that including two on Ezra. I think at this point my only major concern is overall speed of my units but worst case scenario I have speed arrows that I can move to each one for a boost.