7 years ago
Fleet Table Shards
Working on Stage 3 right now, current ship shards available from battles are -
1A- Clone Sgt. Arc 170
1C- Imperial Tie
1E- Resistance X Wing
2A- Sun Fac's Starfighter
2B- Slave 1
2C- Bistan's U Wing
3A- Poe Cameron's X Wing
Don't really wanna spend another 100 crystals just to sim more battles and find out who the rest are, but I'm sure someone out there has already cleared all nodes and all stages so let us know what lies ahead.
Also- Vader's Advanced Tie shards are rewarded upon completion of Stage 1 Normal/Hard, Stage 2 Normal/Hard etc...not too shabby :)
1A- Clone Sgt. Arc 170
1C- Imperial Tie
1E- Resistance X Wing
2A- Sun Fac's Starfighter
2B- Slave 1
2C- Bistan's U Wing
3A- Poe Cameron's X Wing
Don't really wanna spend another 100 crystals just to sim more battles and find out who the rest are, but I'm sure someone out there has already cleared all nodes and all stages so let us know what lies ahead.
Also- Vader's Advanced Tie shards are rewarded upon completion of Stage 1 Normal/Hard, Stage 2 Normal/Hard etc...not too shabby :)